Domestic Concrete

Whether you’re building a conservatory, laying a patio or creating a garden wall, all domestic building projects can be significantly enhanced with the use of superior site batched concrete.

Roman Concrete are happy to help you with any job from 0.5m3 – 100m3 +

We do multi-drop deliveries and different mix designs from the same load, discharging just what you need for the job you require. So no part or non-carried load charges like ready-mix drums. However if you’re good with your measurements we also supply concrete via drum mixers for quickness.

Our volumetric mixer trucks take out the hard work of ordering in materials and mixing by hand as 1m3 is over 2 Ton of material. This is not only extremely time consuming but also incredibly hard work!

With the use of our top of the range Volumetric Mobile Batching Plant, we can mix and discharge from our truck at a rate of 1m3 per minute – it’s clear why we’re the better option.

Not only is there no manual labour involved for you mixing the concrete but a significant amount of time is saved throughout the whole process. This in turn allows the overall building work for the project to move quicker in general and you’ll see your finished project in no time at all.

If however we cannot get a direct pour to your required point from our truck we do offer various concrete pump options, please ask at the time of booking for availability.